Cookie Policy

Our website, (“the Website”) uses cookies to optimise the website and to make the user experience of visiting more efficient.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit the Website. N-Sea Group may, by law, store cookies on your device if these cookies are strictly necessary to use the website. Other types of cookies require your permission. We recommend that you accept the cookies in connection with the user-friendliness of the website. Visitors to the website have a check-in option.


Cookies used on this website:

  • Strictly necessary cookies
    These cookies are necessary for the Website to work and essential for you to browse the Website and use its features. Disabling these cookies will reduce performance and may make some features unavailable. They are session cookies and will expire when you close your browser session.
  • Functional or technical cookies
    Functional cookies ensure that the website works properly and that your user preferences remain known, without the need to enter the same information repeatedly. These cookies have no consequences for privacy, so that no permission must be requested and granted. With these cookies, for example, your browser settings are stored so that our website can be viewed best, or that the website remains accessible (load balancing), but also cookies that ensure that no other cookies may be placed (no-follow).
  • Tracking/Marketing cookies
    With your permission we place ”tracking cookies” on your computer or mobile device. We use these cookies to keep track of which pages you visit, to build a profile of your online behavior.
  • Analytical cookies
    We use Google Analytics to analyze the behaviour of users on the Website in order to improve the performance and design of our services. For this, Google Analytics cookies are stored. They collect information about your device type, IP address, the country and time zone in which your device is located. These cookies are provided by our third-party analytics tool provider (Google Analytics). For more details about cookies that Google uses, please consult How Google uses cookies.


If you have any questions about this, please contact us at



When you open our Website a cookie banner will pop-up with the explanation about cookies. You can consent or reject to all cookies at once.