PRESS RELEASE: A maritime adventure close to home, unique collaboration launch!

Recruitment event by the Maritime Capacity Alliance
The Maritime Capacity Alliance (MCA) is organizing exclusive recruitment events, this time in collaboration with various government parties, including the Coast Guard. The first recruitment event will take place on Wednesday, June 5th, at the maritime school STC in Rotterdam. It offers an excellent opportunity for (prospective) students, graduates and other interested parties to get acquainted with these maritime organizations and their activities.

The welcome is at 2:00 PM, followed by presentations from e.g. the MCA and the Coast Guard. After the presentations, which end around 3:30 PM, there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the information stand. Additionally, visitors can exclusively visit patrol ships at the quay.

Discover the maritime world
For those interested in a career in the maritime sector, this event offers an excellent opportunity to learn more about the possibilities with the Coast Guard and other maritime government parties. These organizations play a crucial role in the safety and infrastructure of the Netherlands, both at sea and on land and offer various career paths. During this event, interested parties can get to know both the Coast Guard and other involved government parties in just one afternoon. Moreover, the event is freely accessible and takes place at a special location on Lloydkade in Rotterdam.

The collaboration partners
The Maritime Capacity Alliance (MCA) is a public-private partnership that strives for a cleaner and safer Netherlands by sharing knowledge, personnel and equipment and innovating together. The Netherlands Coast Guard ensures free, safe and responsible navigation over the North Sea in collaboration with services such as the Royal Navy, police, Marechaussee, customs, IL&T, SODM and NVWA.

Registration and more information
You can register for this unique event via the website:
More information is also available on this site.

Recruitment Coordinator Daisy van Willigen |

Recent projects

On July 19, 2020, an NH-90 helicopter of the Dutch Defence disappeared into the Caribbean Sea. The Royal Netherlands Navy, not being specialised in salvage operations in the deep sea, reached out to partners of the Maritime Capacity Alliance for assistance.

The Royal Netherlands Navy Technical Training School (KMTO) and the Maritime Capacity Alliance (MCA) are jointly recruiting students for the four-year civil-military Marine Technician (MBO4) course. This new and joint approach on recruiting personnel for the Navy, started on September 1st, 2022 with a pilot project. At the end of 2023, the program and the approach will be formalised.

Part of the technical staff of Dutch shipbuilder Royal IHC is temporarily deployed at the Maritime Systems Service (AMS) of the Dutch Defense Materiel Organisation (DMO). During and short after to the COVID-19 pandemic, IHC had overcapacity in several departments. Temporary relocation allowed the company’s employees to continue using their knowledge. For DMO, the extra capacity was used advantageously on various maritime projects – a ‘win-win’ situation.