Wervingsevenement 5 juni

Recruitment event MCA great succes

Inspiring sessions by the Coast Guard, the National Shipping Company and Rijkswaterstaat 
Over 75 students, an impressive hall at the port of Rotterdam, 3 guest speakers, and 2 patrol boats to explore: the information afternoon organized by Maritime Capacity Alliance (MCA) was a success.

On Wednesday, June 5th, the MCA team was ready to inspire students from, among others, STC Rotterdam for an entire afternoon. What opportunities will there be in the maritime world after my studies? Where can I intern? What jobs are available and how do I approach this? Various guest speakers from the Coast Guard, the Government Shipping Company and Rijkswaterstaat enthusiastically spoke about their important roles in the safety and infrastructure of the Netherlands and the many career opportunities. The students were presented with a wide range of options within different sectors and got a real behind-the-scenes look through live videos. This was further enhanced by a visit to two patrol boats, where they could have a chat with the crew. The students' enthusiasm was high, making the afternoon more than successful!

More information
More information about MCA's events can be found at:

Recruitment Coordinator Daisy van Willigen | wervingscoordinator@maritimecapacityalliance.nl

Recent projects

On July 19, 2020, an NH-90 helicopter of the Dutch Defence disappeared into the Caribbean Sea. The Royal Netherlands Navy, not being specialised in salvage operations in the deep sea, reached out to partners of the Maritime Capacity Alliance for assistance.

The Royal Netherlands Navy Technical Training School (KMTO) and the Maritime Capacity Alliance (MCA) are jointly recruiting students for the four-year civil-military Marine Technician (MBO4) course. This new and joint approach on recruiting personnel for the Navy, started on September 1st, 2022 with a pilot project. At the end of 2023, the program and the approach will be formalised.

Part of the technical staff of Dutch shipbuilder Royal IHC is temporarily deployed at the Maritime Systems Service (AMS) of the Dutch Defense Materiel Organisation (DMO). During and short after to the COVID-19 pandemic, IHC had overcapacity in several departments. Temporary relocation allowed the company’s employees to continue using their knowledge. For DMO, the extra capacity was used advantageously on various maritime projects – a ‘win-win’ situation.